Astrophysicist, Speaker & Author
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Astrophysicist, Speaker & Author
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Astrophysicist, Speaker & Author
"Classifying the stars has helped materially in all studies of the structure of the universe."
- Annie Jump Cannon
Interested in learning more about the oldest stars?
Find out more about my research from my popular science book
"Searching for the Oldest Stars: Ancient Relics from the Early Universe ”
New Science With Old Stars:
Exploring the early universe with metal-poor stars
For my research, I am searching for the oldest stars in our Milky Way Galaxy and in small dwarf galaxies that surround the Milky Way. By studying these stars, we can learn details about the nature of the early Universe shortly after the Big Bang, the era of the very first stars and when the first galaxies began to form. Chemical elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were first forged in these first massive stars and then ejected in the enormous supernova explosions that followed. The next generation of stars then formed from this enriched gas, thus inheriting and preserving the chemical signature of the first explosions. Hence, the oldest stars in the Milky Way are these 13 billion year old stellar fossils that allow us to reconstruct the chemical enrichment and chemical evolution processes that shaped the Galaxy from the earliest times until today. No other astrophysical probe can provide such detailed information on this early time.
With my group at MIT and jointly with many collaborators from around the globe, I’m employing some of the world's largest optical telescopes, most notably the Magellan Telescopes in Chile. We identify old stars by means of their chemically primitive nature which implies that they must have formed early on, before the Universe was significantly enriched in chemical elements as is the case today. These so-called “metal-poor” stars then contain only tiny amounts of heavy elements (“metals”) that are heavier than hydrogen and helium. We measure the abundances of various chemical elements to establish their abundance signature which in turn tells us about the physical and chemical conditions of the early gas from which these stars formed.
Astronomy Books, Big Telescopes and the Oldest Stars
Lex Fridman Podcast
Origin and Evolution of the Universe, Galaxies, and Stars
(~510K views as of mid Oct 2023)
I'm part of Team #HB6
What if men and women co-led our world equally? Would our decisions be different? What if our collaborative efforts were fueled by equality, inclusivity, a long-term perspective, and a genuine concern for both people and resources?
The vision of Homeward Bound is all about empowering women in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths, and Medicine) to enhance their clarity, confidence, shared vision, and strategic capability. This, in turn, enables them to assume global leadership roles and contribute proactively to a sustainable world. I'll be joining cohort #6 on this important global mission to empower women in STEMM!
By 2036, Homeward Bound aspires to have built a global network of 10,000 influential women in STEMM. These women will impact decision-making across sectors, moving forward with integrity, results-oriented drive, the ability to inspire others, genuine care for relationships, and a relentless dedication to collaboration to achieving all our shared aspirations.
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Astronomers study the oldest observable stars in the universe in much the same way archaeologists study ancient artifacts on Earth.
Anna Frebel's popular science book Searching For the Oldest Stars takes readers into the far-flung depths of space and time to provide a gripping firsthand account of the cutting-edge science of stellar archaeology. Weaving the latest findings in astronomy with Frebel's own compelling insights as one of the world’s leading researchers in the field, she explains how sections of the night sky are “excavated” in the hunt for these extremely rare, 13-billion-year-old relic stars and how this astonishing quest is revealing tantalizing new details about the origins and evolution of the cosmos. Along the way, Frebel recounts her own stories of discovery, offering an insider’s perspective on this
“[Anna Frebel] makes this crash course in astronomy accessible to stargazers of all knowledge levels. . . . Woven through the science are personal anecdotes from Frebel, which give the impression of a face-to-face lesson with a favorite professor. . . . Frebel offers a handy learning tool for fledgling astronomers and a fascinating, enjoyable look into her own research.” ~Publishers Weekly
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